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'A continuous provision of quality and nurture for every unique child'


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Meet the Governors

Our Governing Body currently consists of 13 Governors:                                                  

The Head Teacher

2 Parent governors 

4 Co-opted governors

1 Staff governor

2 Foundation Trust governors

1 Associate Bursar

1 Associate teacher

 1 Local Authority governor

Governors work together as a team called the Governing Body, having numerous roles which include:-

1. Making decisions on the school's budget and staffing

2. Selecting the Head Teacher

3. Ensuring the National Curriculum is taught Effectively

4. Making sure the School provides for all its pupils, including those with special needs

5. Helping to plan for the School's future

Being a governor is a responsible position, it is important they get it right as how they do their job can affect the interests of the pupils, staff and how the school is viewed in the community.  Governors support and challenge the school by gathering views and asking questions, they are not just there to rubber stamp decisions.  They have to be prepared to invest time, give and take on decisions, and be loyal to decisions taken by the governing body as a whole.